Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lord, Make Us Like You...Mold Us Into Your Likeness.

20 Years ago today my life changed in a second.  Not only my life but Jay's, Ana's and all of our families lives too.

We woke up March 22nd to the sun streaming in our window and for a brief second all was good.  Moments later our world came crashing down as we realized you had not awakened from your sleep.

One would think that 20 years later this story would be on the top book shelf, tucked away and rarely read or told.  But this story is all of our lives.  It is the journey of life....the good, the bad, and everythig in between.

Several years later I started creating wooden sculptures, I called them "Holy Ones".  All I could think of was angels and reaching to the heavens for help and comfort.  One of my first Sculptures was named.....

Lord, Make Us Like You....Mold Us Into Your Likeness
Grandpa Bob found the wood while hiking the mountain, It was black and dirty and most people would have thrown it into the fire....but I saw a" Holy One', kneeling and begging God for mercy.
I have a book called "God Calling" that I treasure.  When I need to hear God's word, I open the book and whatever page it lands on, I trust that is what God wants me to hear.  This morning, I opened the book and at first glance I thought...."this is the wrong page"....it was about Patience.  Surely I accidentally flipped to the wrong page.  I almost turned the page when I saw this quote at the top...
"Lord, make us like thee.  Mold us into Thy Likeness."  
The text spoke to me...
"Molding, my children, means cutting and chiseling.  It means sacrifice of the personal to conform to type.  It is not only My work but yours."
"It is work that requires cooperation----- Mine and yours.  It is a work that brings much sense of failure and discouragement, too, at times, because, as the work proceeds, you see more and more clearly all that yet remains to be done."
"So on and up. Forward. Patience--- Perseverance---Struggle.  Remember that I am beside you, your Captain and your Helper.  So tender, so patient, so strong."
"Yes, we cooperate, and as I share your troubles, failures, difficulties, heartaches, so, as My friends, you share My patience and My strength to others."
We are all in the together my friends and I pray that God continues to mold me...cutting and chiseling until one day when I meet Him and Alexi in Heaven, I hear....

 "Holy One, you are a beautiful piece of art, job well done!" 
Love you, Lex.


  1. Beautiful! Love and hugs to all of you today!

  2. You have been an inspiration to all of us these past 20 years. What would have destroyed many has only made you who you are today - a strong, loving woman. Love to all of you! Aunt Carol
